COVID-19: How did The Tom get it so right?

At what may be the half way mark in the Pandemic,  The Tom marvels at the the wisdom and timing of his decisions.  Like Governor Newsom and Mayor Garcetti, every decision was precise (not too soon or too late).   Lockdowns, Grand Re-openings and Grand re-Lockdowns were developed by the Experts and based solely on Science, Data and saving lives.  Fodder for Press conferences was always a distant and/or a close second.

So as TomVille enters the first week of the Grand Re-Lockdown, it is a perfect time to celebrate our successes.

“How in the Sam Hell does one get a haircut around here?” barked a shaggy The Tom.

Calling Dr. Fauci,, Code blue !!!

“It is a foundational surge in real time, Baby” enthused Gavin

See the source image

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