Tom almost has a nervous breakdown hearing that Oprah almost had a nervous breakdown

Tom was laid low by the TMI that Oprah Winfrey almost had a nervous breakdown in the midst of publicizing her network and movie projects.

This caught Tom right in the middle of over-promoting his latest film classic “Lee Tom Daniels:  The French Maid”  This is a deep inside the White House historical look at the Kennedy and Clinton years.  The film includes classic maid service scenes such as turning down the bed.

Tom looks at the almost nervous breakdown as the perfect sympathy getter without the pressures and hard work of drug, alcohol and sex addiction rehabilitation

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2 Responses to Tom almost has a nervous breakdown hearing that Oprah almost had a nervous breakdown

  1. Nervous breakdown? Really? Gee, I would’ve thought all those millions and millions of dollars would be pretty relaxing. I know a few grand would calm me down WAY better than a bottle of valium! 😀

    • tom says:

      While it may sound counter intuitive, your will be happier contributing to Oprah’s millions than she would be to yours. And sorry we ran out of New Cars to give you one (that promo worked wonders for Pontiac)

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