Is Barack O’TomA the most divisive leader ever? Nice try, but not close

Barack O’Toma in governing, campaigning and in debates has attempted to pit various groups against each other.  He has pitted Hispanics against Hispanics, against Blacks, against Whites against Asians etc.  He divides Democrats from Republicans against extreme Republicans.  He pits George W. Bush against George W. Bush.  He pits men vs. women and women in binders against women with resumes in binders.  He pits Big Bird against Miss Piggy.  He pits condoms vs. birth control pills.  And of course the favorite which Rich vs. Middle Class vs. Working Class.  Feel free to add any personal favorites.

But sorry fans, the most divisive leader still remains Tom from TomVille.  Any reader of this Blog knows he is the reigning undisputed divisiveness champ.  He is even divisive toward Barack O’TomA himself.

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2 Responses to Is Barack O’TomA the most divisive leader ever? Nice try, but not close

  1. Well, I was gonna put a vote forward for Jimmy Carter as most divisive, but then I realised he is actually a great uniter – EVERYBODY thought he sucked! 😉

    • tom says:

      Jimma Carter was too smart for the job. By the way saw Argo today and it is a great movie even with the Jimma Carter cameos.

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